; Example configuration for MM_Spectre, the GhostWriter for MailManager
; Areas in which to check for mail. If <Reply> area is not specified, we'll
; reply in the <Check> area.
; #AREA <Check In> <Reply In>
; Set #NETMAIL and MM_Spectre will check all netmail areas automatically
; without the need for you to list them all on seperate #AREA lines.
; Names to check for. You can speed this up a lot by using wildcards:
; example: #NAME (Neil Williams|nOw2|KaOS|TKG) will be 3 times faster than
; putting each name on a new #NAME line. All AmigaDOS wildcards are allowed
; here.
; #NAME <Your Name and variations>
#NAME (Neil Williams|nOw2|Neil O Williams)
#NAME Neil O. Williams
; This is the message we reply to the sender with. There are some % codes
; you can include:
; %AREA : Area the message we found was in.
; %FROM : Sender of the message.
; %FROMADDR : Senders address.
; %TO : Who the message was to (use this to find which of the #NAMEs it matched)
; %TOADDR : Addressed to.
; %SUBJECT : Subject of message.
; %DATE : Date of message.
; %CURRENTDATE : The current date.
; %CURRENTTIME : .. and time.
#MSG Your message (about %SUBJECT) has been received, but I'm currently away from my computer. I'll reply to the message, if necessary, when I get the chance.